Sunday, April 20, 2014

Save Our Children's Education

Flying Bee
While conducting research on credible online articles, I came across an article written by Johnathan Martin.  Mr. Martin is credible in that he has a background as a national political correspondent for The New York Times.  This particular article was entitled, “Republicans See Political Wedge in Common Core”.  The topic of discussion was the Republican Party’s disapproval of the Common Core Standards program that was adopted by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School OfficersThe CCS program was originally designed in an effort to make students more academically competitive by giving them learning benchmarks in Math and English.  Now that the Republican committees have shown disapproval over the CCS program’s effectiveness, it is backfiring on the Democrat’s decision to utilize this type of system.  The main reason why Republicans are upset over this issue is that President Obama is rewarding states for participating in this ineffective method of teaching.  
Thus costing tax payers money in order to reward a system that simply does not work for political reasons. 

Mr. Martin is a credible source and this article was informative, however there were few source links that connect to the original quotes made by Republicans.  He wrote the article as if they were speaking directly to him, so it is difficult to tell if this was first-hand information being written and published by the website.
As a parent, this article is important because it brings awareness to the Common Core standards and the effect it is having on the children. The parents will start to focus more on the education system. These parents are under the impression, these standards are leading to the success of the children and the system presented before us, has failed. Here are the results, as of August 2013, the graph includes states that never go on board and those whom are now opposing :

Some parents are fighting really hard to eliminate Common Core in the states that have adopted it. I found this video on YouTube :
I know my daughter's schools use the Common Core standards even though, this chart states Texas never adopted Common Core. Common Core is confusing and it is not making them competitive at all. What was so wrong with the way it was a first? It is more clearer for the students, it was straight to the point , easier to explain and understand. 

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